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2023.11.07 NEWS

Scholarship Opportunities for Graduate and Post-graduate Studies

Scholarship opportunities are available for international students based on academic and research performance.
Candidates would have to be proactive and work independently in looking for information on scholarships.
Please submit a completed form and allow at least 7 working days to obtain a recommendation from the professor.
If you need assistance in preparing your scholarship application, please consult your respective academic/research supervisors and complete the forms with ample time (at least 1-2 weeks before dateline).

For more details on scholarship opportunities in Japan:

Undergraduate Studies
(1) Goverment-based scholarhips (MEXT etc)
By Embassy recommendation: Please ask for more information from the Japanese embassy in your country
National-based scholarship: Scholarship opportunities from home-country (please check with respective governmental agencies)

(2) Private Foundations
By University recommendation:
List of private foundation scholarships
uTokyo AMGEN Program (Short-term)

(3) University
The University of Tokyo Peak Program

Graduate Studies
(1) Goverment-based scholarhips (MEXT, JICA, ADB, JSPS etc)
By Embassy recommendation: Please ask for more information from the Japanese embassy in your country
By University recommendation: These scholarships are highly competitive and would be based on excellent research and academic performance
MEXT scholarship
Asian Development Bank Scholarship
JSPS Young Scientist

(2) Private foundations
By University recommendation: Students under our graduate programs are eligible to apply for private foundation scholarships. Typically these scholarships would need recommendation from the supervisor, strong reason for application and excellent academic & research performance.
List of private foundation scholarships

(3) University
University of Tokyo also offers scholarships through the uTokyo Foundation for private students
The University of Tokyo Fellowship

Post-graduate studies
(1) Goverment-based funding (Japan Society for Promotion of Science, JSPS)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship

(2) Private funding
Fellowship Program for Overseas Medical Doctors and Researchers

(3) University
These are based on the department’s funding and there are limited positions for this.

● Please understand that the department staff may support your funding application for living expenses and tuition exemption, but the responsibility of scholarship application is dependent on the student.
● Scholarship application support will be based on academic and research performance, and the student should be proactive in ensuring their own academic and research excellence.
● Most scholarships would need descriptions on academic and research activities, hence, better performance at our Graduate School will allow candidates to be more at a advantagous position during competitive calls.
● Any support from the staff would be secondary support after teaching and research activities.

● If you have further questions, please contact us through our contact form.

We will be updating the information from time to time, please return again for further updates.