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2024.06.21 NEWS

モイ教授がIAEAの要請を受け「オマーン」へ派遣されました / IAEA mission to the Sultanate of Oman on the Integration of Viral Disease Surveillance for Public Health & Animal Health

当教室のモイ メンリン教授が、国際原子力機関(以下、IAEA)オーストリア本部から要請を受けて、2024年6月2日から6月6日までの日程で『人獣共通感染症対策事業支援』のために、IAEA感染症専門家としてオマーンへ派遣されました。





In June 2-6, 2024, the IAEA assembled a team of experts including Dr. Moi Meng Ling which traveled to Muscat, Oman for on-site observations and meetings to review and support the development and establishment of an Integrated Viral Disease Monitoring and Surveillance Program.
In 20 November 2023, with the support of IAEA, the government of Oman sent a team of experts to Japan for a 2-week technical visitation to observe first-hand on public and animal health surveillance programs and activities to support the establishment of the National Program.

IAEA is the world’s foremost forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology, contributing to the international peace and security and UN’s Sustainable Goals (SDGs). Further to IAEA’s COVID-19 response, the Zoonotic Disease Integrated Action (ZODIAC) ZODIAC to further strengthen the preparedness and capability of Member States to rapidly detect and timely respond to disease outbreaks.

To conduct this, Moi together with the IAEA expert team conducted obsevations and site visits at Ministry of Health (MoH), the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources (MoAWF), public and animal health research institutions at respective ministries.
The mission report summarizes the findings from the technical visits and round table discussions between the government of Oman experts and the IAEA mission team.

Mission Goals & Output:
・Site visitations at Oman MoH, MoAWF, health institutions and research facilities, discussions with MoH Undersecretary of Health Affairs, MoAWF Undersecretary, MoH Director General of Center for Disease Control and Prevention and experts in Oman to witness on the strengths and challenges
・Provision of a set of recommendations to major stakeholders in Oman, with a cross-sectoral steering committee and task force, to foster and strengthen cross-sector involvement for sustainable efforts in viral disease surveillance for human and animal health
・Proposal of cross-sectoral committee to further develop recommendations and coordinate to formalize framework at highest level of decision-making.
・The mission is expected to support an IAEA member state, the Sultanate of Oman, for the development and establishment of an Integrated Viral Disease Monitoring and Surveillance Program.


アーマッド ナセル アブドゥラ アルバカリ・オマーン農水省副大臣(H.E. Dr. Ahmed Nasser Abdullah Al-Bakri) 、政府職員、オマーンを代表する各専門家との意見交換. 2024年6月5日.
Round table discussion with H.E. Dr. Ahmed Nasser Abdullah Al-Bakri, Undersecretary of the Ministry for Agriculture, and experts in MoAWF, Oman. June 5, 2024.


保健省長官、農水省長官、政府職員、オマーンを代表する各専門家の皆様. 2024年6月6日
Cross-ministrial meeting and wrap up, MoAWF, Oman. June 6, 2024.

This mission was also supported by Drs. Norio Ohmagari, Masahiro Ishikane and, Yukimasa Matsuzawa of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM).

University of Tokyo uTokyo FOCUS article site