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2024.11.08 NEWS

第71回日本ウイルス学会学術集会に参加しました / Participation at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology

2024年11月3日 – 6日に開催された『第71回日本ウイルス学会学術集会』、『第30回トガ・ペスチ・フラビウイルス研究会』に、モイメンリン教授、谷口怜准教授、姫野美沙緒助教、Liu Wen Tao(D3)さん、Rakwi Nensar Wai Wai Phyo(D3)さん、Wan Ka Ching, Carrie(M2)さんの6名が参加しました。

今回のテーマは「Curiosity の共有:基礎と臨床の融合で日本のウイルス学をより面白く」と題して、愛知県産業労働センター ウインクあいち(WINC AICHI)にておこなわれました。

(1) Development of a candidate vaccine based on Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) envelope protein domain-III (Liu Wen Tao)
(2) Fc gamma mediated fl avivirus antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) and the significance of the receptor cytoplasmic region in ADE (Nensar Wai Wai Phyo Rakwi)
(3) Determination of adaptive evolution of fl aviviruses inter-host transmission between mammalian and mosquito host cell lines (Wan Ka Ching, Carrie)
(4) 非構造蛋白質NSs へ変異を導入したハートランドウイルスのバンダウイルス弱毒生ワクチンとしての有用性の評価 (谷口怜)

(1) Sequential immunization of a pentavalent Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) candidate vaccine demonstrated superior immunity as compared to simultaneous immunization (Liu Wen Tao)
(2) Fc𝛾RIIa mediated phosphorylation pathway in antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of flaviviruses (Nensar Wai Wai Phyo Rakwi)
(3) Determination of adaptive evolution of flaviviruses inter-host transmission between mammalian and mosquito host cell lines (Wan Ka Ching, Carrie)
(4) ベネズエラウマ脳炎ウイルスの遺伝子操作系の確立と性状解析 (谷口怜)
(5) フラビウイルス抗原エピトープの網羅的評価法の開発および流行予測への応用 (姫野美沙緒)

第71回日本ウイルス学会学術集会 公式サイト(日本語英語

The the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology and the 30th Toga, Pesti, Flavivirus Annual Meeting was held at Winc Aichi, Nagoya city, Aichi Prefecture from Nov 3rd to 6th, 2024. Participants from our department were Professor Moi Meng Ling, Associate Professor Satoshi Taniguchi, Assistant Professor Misao Himeno, Liu Wen Tao, Rakwi Nensar Wai Wai Phyo and Wan Ka Ching, Carrie.

Research presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology:
(1) Development of a candidate vaccine based on Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) envelope protein domain-III (Liu Wen Tao)
(2) Fc gamma mediated fl avivirus antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) and the significance of the receptor cytoplasmic region in ADE (Nensar Wai Wai Phyo Rakwi)
(3) Determination of adaptive evolution of flaviviruses inter-host transmission between mammalian and mosquito host cell lines (Wan Ka Ching, Carrie)
(4) The utility of NSs gene modified recombinant heartland viruses as bandavirus vaccines (Satoshi Taniguchi)

Research presented at the 30th Toga, Pesti, Flavivirus Annual Meeting:
(1) Sequential immunization of a pentavalent Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) candidate vaccine demonstrated superior immunity as compared to simultaneous immunization (Liu Wen Tao)
(2) Fc gamma mediated fl avivirus antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) and the significance of the receptor cytoplasmic region in ADE (Nensar Wai Wai Phyo Rakwi)
(3) Determination of adaptive evolution of flaviviruses inter-host transmission between mammalian and mosquito host cell lines (Wan Ka Ching, Carrie)
(4) Development of a genetic modified Venezuela Equine Encephalitis virus assay and functional studies (Satoshi Taniguchi)
(5) Development of a flavivirus epitope prediction model and ultility in epidemic prediction (Misao Himeno)

The 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology Official Website(Japanese, English