東京大学大学院医学系研究科東京大学大学院医学系研究科 MENU SP



2024.11.19 NEWS

モイ教授が『日本熱帯医学会』の理事に就任 / Prof. Moi was elected to the board of directors of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine (JSTM)

2024年11月16日、当教室のモイ・メンリン教授が一般社団法人 日本熱帯医学会理事に就任しました。



Prof. Moi Meng Ling has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine (JSTM) on Nov 16, 2024.

JSTM aims to promote academic studies in the field of tropical medicine, in an interdisciplinary field to eliminate the gaps of health, society and economy among countries and regions.

Prof. Moi also serves at the JSTM Board of Council, JSTM Diversity and Inclusion Council, and at the Tropical Medicine and Health Editorial Board as an Editor. She has previously received the JSTM Women’s Award in 2019.

一般社団法人 日本熱帯医学会(日本語English