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2024.03.20 NEWS

二人目の栄誉『長崎大学 学長賞』を受賞/Ph.D. candidate awarded the Nagasaki University President’s Award

当教室のモイ教授が長崎大学時代から指導をおこなっていた、Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan(グエン チイ タイン ガン)さん(博士課程、ベトナム国籍)が、2024年3月19日に『令和5年度 長崎大学学長賞』を受賞しました。

なお当教室の、Shashika Lavangi Wijesooriyaさん(スリランカ国籍)も、長崎大学修士課程においてモイ教授の指導を受け、2020年3月23日に『令和2年度 長崎大学学長賞』を受賞しております。

Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan, Ph.D. candidate at Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences was awarded the Nagasaki University President’s Award, 2023 in recognition of her outstanding academic achievement.
She received the award from Prof. Nagayasu Takeshi, the President of Nagasaki University on 19 March, 2024. Congratulations on being awarded the highly prestigious award.
This award is the premier award of Nagasaki University and is awarded to top performing students of the University.
Her Ph.D. research publication was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Moi.
Refer to her Research Publication here.

Our Ph.D. candidate (D2), Shashika Lavangi Wijesooriya, was also previously awarded the Nagasaki University President’s Award, 2019, on 23 March 2020, during her M.Sc. program at Nagasaki University, under the supervision of Prof. Moi.

Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan, Nagasaki University President’s Award. 19 March, 2024.
長崎大学公式 X(旧Twitter)