東京大学大学院医学系研究科東京大学大学院医学系研究科 MENU SP



2024.03.18 NEWS

Academic Visit by Prof. Chan Yoke Fun, University Malaya

We welcomed Prof. Chan Yoke Fun from Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya (UM, Malaysia). The 5-day exchange focused on academic and research exchange between UM and uTokyo for building and strengthening technical capacity to prevent and respond to outbreaks of viral diseases in the Asia-Pacific Region, Mar 11-15, 2024.


Lecture: Lessons from Epidemics and Pandemics, Prof. Chan Yoke Fun


QA session with Prof. Chan. Students discussed on a wide range of topics including research motivation and career paths.


Group photo at our department


Early sakura blooming at Ueno Park

Funding: 学部教育改革プロジェクトSchool of Integrated Health Sciences, the University of Tokyo