Our lab was established in 1966 and, 2024 will be the 58th year since establishment.
Currently, our alumni are actively involved in the fields of developmental medicine (neurodevelopmental disorders, etc.), infectious diseases and international health, as experts in medical institutions in Japan and abroad.
As the 6th Head of Department, Professor Moi Meng Ling leads the Department with Associate Professor Dr. Satoshi Taniguchi, Assistant Professor Dr. Misao Himeno, Assistant Professor Dr. Ryuichi Majima, technical specialist Kazumi Haga, technical specialist Yuka Sano, secretary Haruna Takehira, and senior advisor Dr. Tomohiko Takasaki.
Our department staff will continue to strive to contribute towards skilled human resource development through education and research.
Thank you for being an integral part of our journey and we look forward to working together throughout the upcoming year.
Happy 2024!
Staff, Department of Developmental Medical Sciences, Division of International Biomedical Sciences.
現在、この教室を預かるのは、モイメンリン第6代教授、谷口怜准教授、姫野美沙緒助教、馬島龍一助教、芳賀和美技術専門職員、佐野悠香技術専門職員、竹平春奈秘書、高崎智彦シニアアドバイザーです。 これからも優秀な人材を育てるべく、教職員一同、一層の努力をいたす所存です。
国際生物医科学講座・発達医科学 教職員一同