2024年12月7日(土)、医学部3号館において『2024年度 発達医科学・母子保健学教室同窓会』を開催しました。
研究発表会では、谷口怜准教授、Liu Wen Taoさん(D3)、Myo Thura Kyawさん(M1)が発表をおこないました。
2025年春に修士課程に進学する梅木真実さん(研究生)、Sun Qinさん(研究生)、Valeria Pashkoさん(研究生)、吉元美貴さん(学習院大)や、博士課程に進学予定のSun Yi Fei, Peterさん(東大大学院新領域創成科学研究科)が参加。今後の抱負など自己紹介をおこないました。
Our alumni meeting was held on 7 December 2024 at the Medical Building 3 in Hongo Campus.
We had about 45 alumni members participating both online and onsite, and we were honored to have Prof. Emeritus Hiroshi Ushijima and Prof. Emeritus Masashi Mizuguchi with us for the meeting.
Assoc. Prof. Satoshi Taniguchi, Liu Wen Tao (D3), and Myo Thura Kaw (M1) gave lectures on research and latest developments in international health.
Graduate student candidates Mami Umeki (Research Student), Sun Qin (Research Student), Valeria Pashko (Research student), Miki Yoshimoto (Gakushuin University) and Sun Yi Fei, Peter (M2, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences) each gave a self-introduction together with their aspirations in preparation for the Spring 2025 admission to the School of International Health.
We look forward to meeting our alumni members again next year.
Almuni Office,
Department of Developmental Medical Sciences