東京大学大学院医学系研究科東京大学大学院医学系研究科 MENU SP



2024.04.15 NEWS

日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)新興・再興感染症研究基盤創生事業(海外拠点活用研究領域)課題継続について/AMED Research Program on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases (Overseas Research Station) Grant Awarded


課題名:疾病 Xに備えた病原体抗原エピトープの網羅的評価法の開発および流行予測への応用に関する研究
Repertoire Genesis株式会社・中村征史





ベトナム拠点は、予測アルゴリズムの実証のための臨床情報を備え付けた検体採取ができることと、ベトナム特有の生態系の多様性という観点から、本拠点の活用は本研究課題の推進にとって極めて重要である。 本研究課題の推進とその成果は、網羅的な病原体エピトープ評価法の確立により、サーベイランスおよび流行予測に新しい方向性を与えるとともに、今後、起こりうる未知の感染症「疾病X」の流行拡大対策に素早く対応できる新規の基盤技術を構築することで、国内外の新興感染症対策に大きな意義を有する。

Grant Awarded: Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) Research Program on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
Project theme: Study of the development of a comprehensive method to determine pathogen epitopes for the preparation against disease X and potential applications in outbreak prediction
Principle Investigator:Prof. Moi Meng Ling
Research Collaborators:
Repertoire Genesis Inc., Dr. Yukio Nakamura
Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Prof. Lay Myint Yoshida

Research outline:
Infectious disease control relies heavily on strong laboratory and diagnostic capacities. Disease outbreaks of emerging pathogens are increasing in number and geographic spread around the world for reasons including climate change, globalization, urbanization and population growth. While conventional diagnostics and surveillance networks already exists for specific pathogens, WHO has emphasized the importance of combined system which allows for the rapid detection and characterization of any emerging or existing pathogens.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need of breakthrough solutions for the development of better control strategies against previously unknown emerging pathogens, disease X. In this project, we took an innovative and practical real-world approach in developing such combined system, and here, we aim to develop an algorithm based diagnostic platform to rapidly characterize any novel and emerging pathogens and to evaluate the utility of novel technology. The technology possesses flexibility and accuracy to assess any emerging and novel pathogen antigen, by using a proprietary algorithm, to rapidly support outbreak response.
To realize the goal, we have previously developed an algorithm that sums and ranks the levels of T-cell recognition to flavivirus structural and non-structural antigens in dengue patients. The initial step of the platform starts with the input of B-cell receptor (BCR) sequences and HLA-type and is designed to maximize the accuracy of computation and ranking of any pathogen epitope recognition.
Together with advanced infrastructure for cohort and surveillance studies, unique biodiversity and strategic location, Vietnam is an excellent counterpart in offering the infectious disease samples and clinical data that are needed for proof-of-concept.
The research collaboration between Vietnam and Japan is expected to develop a comprehensive method to determine emerging pathogen epitopes, identify those at highest risk for exposure, determine immunological factors driving disease emergence and outbreak prediction and, reveal novel strategies for surveillance and vaccine development for the preparedness against Disease X.